"Who am I? Why am I here?"
--Admiral James Stockdale, Vice Presidential debate 10/13/92

Charles Robbins

I am Charles S Robbins, a somewhat Afro-centric caucasian and pro-Semitic gentile. I spent some time working at the company formerly known as Providence Gas and New England Gas where I used to tell my co-workers how blessed they are to work with me (why did they laugh?)... I am an evangelical charismatic Christian (check out these resources)... I'm not an HTML expert but I have learned how to create hyperlinks!...
I'm into:

  • humor
  • politics...I'm a bit of a news junkie and a media freak
  • radio...This American Life
  • music
  • words/language: Verbivore...chiasmus.com...A.Word.A.Day
  • computers/internet...best thing to come along since oxygen...

  • Enough of this! Back to the main page please!